My search came up with two blogs that I found useful in estimating the cost, effort, and / or activity durations associated with ID projects.
Christy Tucker has her blog that specializes in Instructional Design, technology and K-12 Education. Her URL is: She is a freelancer that specializes in online Instructional Design. Notable resources / features of her WordPress blogging site: there is a search field, comment field, related articles and tags. Those features allowed me to dig deep into her blog. Using the search feature and typing the word “estimates”, I came up with 2 helpful posts: Time Estimates for E-Learning Development and Time Tracking Template for Instructional Design. I liked how she places keyword tags under the title of her blog. I was able to follow the “timeestimate” tag and found additional resources. I noticed that her blog references some of the key players in the online ID industry such as Karl Kapp work with ASTD and Cathy Moore blog regarding training. Her blog allowed for comments and I was able to gain some practical information by reading some of the responses.
The other site that I found useful is Don Clark’s blog called Big Dog, Little Dog. He is an ID consultant based out of Edmonds, Washington. Specifically, his page dedicated to projecting training costs: . Useful features is that it is helpful in determining the budgeting, training cost, estimating hours and tools (an excel spreadsheet) to assist in figuring out the project cost. The design of the blog is slightly dated but I found his sitemap useful. I used the search feature on his site and used the search term "costs" and "estimates" & came up with more resources.
I hope that the 2 blogs are helpful to my classmates in their week 5 project!
Dear Mark,
Thank you ever so much for the resources that you have shared. I have found Don Clark’s Estimating Costs and Time in Instructional Design especially interesting. Overall, it is not that easy to find something that is so immediately useful and totally to the point, especially in a field so scantily covered in comparison with many others as Instructional Design Project Management. Thank you, Mark, I greatly appreciate the time and effort you put into the search for IDPM resources,
Hi Mark,
Christy Tucker - what an excellent find! I wish that I'd known about her blog sooner in our course. It would have been extremely helpful with our course project.
Hi Mark,
I see that you also used Do Clark's web site. I have referred to this web site quite often through out this program. As an experienced instructional designer, what kind of resources and tools do your rely on for guidance?
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